Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Not the Chosen One - Chapter 2

The incident at the zoo landed Harry and I our longest punishment to date. Once we were allowed out of our cupboard, summer holiday had already begun and Dudley had managed to break multiple birthday presents, and knocked poor Mrs. Figg over with his racing bike.
While I was glad school was out, escaping Dudley’s gang was near impossible with them coming over every single day. Dudley was a ring leader to a gang filled with a lot all equally big and stupid. This summer they never seemed to get tired of playing their two favourite games: Harry Hunting and Running Rena.
As I’m sure Harry felt the same way, the only thing getting me through the summer was that when September came, we’d be going to secondary school. Somehow, Dudley managed to be accepted to Uncle Vernon’s old private school, Smeltings. While Piers would be joining Dudley, Harry and I would be going to the local public school. Dudley seemed to be getting quite the laugh out of it.
“They stuff heads down toilets the first day at Stonewall. Want to come upstairs and practice?” my cousin, asked us.
“No, thanks,” Harry began. “The poor toilet’s never had anything as horrible as your head down it. It might get sick.” With that Harry and I bolted out of the room before the pig could figure out what he had said. It was times like these I was actually impressed with my brother.
The next night, Dudley paraded around the house wearing his new Smeltings’ uniform. His tailcoats were maroon, a horrid orange pair of knickerbockers to match, with straw hat and a knobby stick to complete the uniform. The stick mainly was used for hitting each other, and if I didn’t think I’d get hit with it, I would have busted up laughing at the sight of that pig in his uniform. Looking at Dudley, Uncle Vernon said that it was the proudest moment in his life. Aunt Petunia burst into tears, crying about how grown-up and handsome her Ickle Dudleykins was.
When Harry woke me up the next morning, the strongest stench hit me. It seemed to be coming from a huge metal tub Aunt Petunia was leaning over. The tub had what looked like dirty rags drenched in gray water.
“What’s this?” Harry asked.
“Your new school uniforms,” she said with tight lips.
“Oh, I didn’t realize it had to be so wet,” Harry looked into the tub again.
“Don’t be stupid. I’m dying some of the neighbor girl and Dudley’s old clothes gray for you two. They will look just the same as everyone else.”
While I seriously doubted this, I thought it best not to argue. Dudley came down hitting anything in his path with his Smelting stick, including me. He had gotten into habit of carrying it everywhere and practicing poking others, by jamming his stick into Harry and me. My ribs were sore from the constant abuse, and I had developed a few new bruises. Focused on my sore abdomen, I didn’t hear the mail arrive.
“Get the mail, Dudley,” Uncle Vernon grumbled from behind his paper.
“Make Rena get it.”
“He told you to get it, stupid,” I quickly snapped.
“Rena, get the mail,” Uncle Vernon grumbled.
“I’ll get it,” Harry jumped in, earning him a poke from Dudley’s Smelting stick. Once Harry had left to get the mail, Dudley began pelting me with the end of his stick instead. Harry came back dropping two things in front of our uncle, handing a letter to me, and keeping one for himself.
Ms. R. Potter
The Cupboard under the Stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging
The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment and my name was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp and no return address. Who would be writing to me? Harry and I have never received letters. Why would we? We had no friends, no family, and didn’t belong to a library or anything. Yet here we sat with both of us holding parchment bearing a purple wax seal.
As Uncle Vernon began ripping open his bill and reading a postcard from his sister Marge, I examined the seal. It had a large H in the middle with, what looked like, a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake around the letter.
“Dad!” Dudley suddenly shouted. “Dad, they’ve got letters!”
Just as I began opening the letter addressed to me, Aunt Petunia snatched it out of my hand as Uncle Vernon stole Harry’s.
“Hey! That’s mine!” I yelled trying to get it back.
“Those letters are for us!” Harry defended.
“Oh, who would be writing to you two?” sneered Uncle Vernon, shaking the letter. As he read it, his face seemed to change from an angry red to a sickly pale gray. He exchanged a glance with our aunt before taking my letter out of her hands, and yelling for us to get out. “Out! Both of you, get out. You too, Dudley.”
“I want to read my letter! Since it is MY letter!” I yelled as Uncle Vernon pushed us out of the kitchen. All three of us attempted to listen through the cracks of the door.
“Vernon, look at the address… How could they possibly know where they sleep? Are they watching the house?” Aunt Petunia said, voice shaking.
“Watching. Spying. Could be following us,” Uncle Vernon muttered.
“What should we do, Vernon? Do we write back? Tell them we don’t want them to go?” Aunt Petunia questioned.
Through the crack under the door I could see Uncle Vernon pacing the floor back and forth. He finally stopped, muttering something about ignoring the letters. Aunt Petunia attempted to argue, but it only fueled Uncle Vernon’s anger.
“I’m not having one in this house, Petunia! We swore we’d stamp out that nonsense when we took them in, didn’t we? We will ignore it and that’s that!” yelled Uncle Vernon.
The next night, Uncle Vernon moved Harry and I to the extra bedroom upstairs. We never did get our letters, and when we asked about it, Uncle Vernon simply dismissed us, saying it was addressed wrong. So he burnt them and reminded us not to ask questions.
While Harry and I had separate beds for the first time in our life, I’d much rather have been in our cupboard with our letters. Dudley wasn’t happy with our new rooming situation either, but no matter how much he cried, whined, and begged, we still resided in the room upstairs. The letters and our new living quarters were never discussed again. That is until two more letters arrived days later.
Ms. R. Potter
The Smallest Bedroom
4 Privet Drive                                 
Little Whinging
With a startled cry, Uncle Vernon tore up our letters and ordered us kids to our rooms. Back in our room, Harry and I were eagerly chatting back and forth about our new letters.
“They even knew we changed rooms, Ren! Who could it be?”
“Who cares, Harry, who sent them, if we never get to see what was sent! They tried again, surely they won’t stop trying right?” I asked.
“Okay but how do we read the next ones?”
“Let’s wake early and get the mail ourselves! We can wait on the corner for the post before they even wake up,” I suggested.
So the next morning, Harry and I quietly got dressed at six o’clock in the morning. We sneaked downstairs, not even turning on the lights. When Harry opened the door to go outside he jumped back. The lights flashed on upstairs as yell came from outside. Harry had stepped on Uncle Vernon’s face! He was sleeping outside the door, to prevent us from doing exactly what we had planned.
Three more letters came for each of us, which Uncle Vernon promptly ripped up before even a word was said. By the next Saturday, over thirty letters had arrived. Uncle Vernon burned all of them before boarding up the mail slot, as well as every crack the letters were being shoved into. On Sunday, Uncle Vernon never looked happier.
“No post on Sundays,” he smiled reading the paper. “No blasted letters today!”
He had spoken too soon however, as something came shooting down the chimney and pelted him directly on his forehead. Within a moment, what seemed to be a hundred letters came blasting through the fireplace. As the Dursleys ducked from getting hit, Harry and I attempted to grab letters from the air.
“Out! OUT!” Uncle Vernon yelled at us. He grabbed me by the waist and threw me out into the hall, but not before I could slip a letter into my shirt. It was Harry’s letter but I began opening it.

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

         Dear Mr. Potter, --
         That was as far as I got before the letter as ripped out of my hands by Uncle Vernon and I noticed Harry now by my side.
         “That is it! We are going away. Far away! Go pack some clothes and no arguments!” Uncle Vernon spoke while attempting to stay calm, but clearly was pulling out tuffs of his mustache.
         So, we drove and drove and drove, until we reached a hole-in-the-wall hotel. Uncle Vernon kept muttering to himself about “shaking them off,” but I don’t think anyone could follow the crazy Uncle Vernon was protruding.
         We were eating a morning meal of stale cornflakes and canned tomatoes, when there was a knock on the door. It was the owner of the hotel and she asked if any of us were Ms. R. Potter or Mr. H. Potter, for she had a couple hundred letters addressed to us at the front desk. Uncle Vernon’s eyes widened and he rushed the lot of us back into the car as he mumbled to himself.
         That night we ended up in a miserable little shack secluded on it’s one rock island. We had to row ourselves to rock as a storm began to brew. The entire shack reeked of seaweed, and there was clearly no heater. There were only two rooms: a bedroom upstairs, and kitchen connected to a living room, downstairs.
         Aunt Petunia found some moldy blankets, and made a bed for Dudley on the raggedy sofa downstairs. She and Uncle Vernon took the bed upstairs, which left Harry and I to be on the floor.
         As everyone fell asleep, I whispered to my brother, “Only five minutes to go.”
         “What do you want for your birthday, Ren?” Harry asked me, with a surprisingly serious tone. We both knew the most we ever gotten for our birthday was some socks and a somewhat frozen meal, we for once didn’t have to make.
         “Our letters,” I responded dreamingly, still with no clue who could be the sender. “How about you, Harry? What do you want for your birthday?”
         “To get away from the Dursleys,” he laughed. “One more minute. Ready to blow out our candles?” he asked while drawing a cake with eleven candles in the dirt on the floor.
         “Five… Four…,” I began.
         “Three… Two…”
         “One!” we whispered together.
         “Happy Birthday, Harry.”
         “Happy Birthday, Rena.” We hugged in celebration, of us turning eleven. But the moment we let go…
The whole shack shook and Harry and I sat upright. Someone was outside, and they were wanting to come in.
Dudley jerked awake and Uncle Vernon ran down stairs with a rifle in hand, Aunt Petunia following.
“Who’s there?” Uncle Vernon shouted. “I’m warning you – I’m armed!” He didn’t sound very threatening. Even so, there was a pause.
The door was now lying flat on the floor and a giant figure stood in his place. His features were masked by long shaggy hair and a crazy beard. Only eyes could be seen as they reflected light. I pulled Harry to the side of the fireplace, just out of sight.
The giant lowered his head to fit through the doorway.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” the giant said picking up the door. Walking over to sit by Dudley, who was frozen in fear, he exclaimed, “An’ here’s Harry! Las’ time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but of course yeh’ve got yer mum’s eyes. Where’s little Rena?”
Uncle Vernon made a weird gasping noise before pointing his gun at the stranger and yelling, “Leave! I demand you leave at once! You are breaking and entering!”
“Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune,” and with that he bent the rifle to point upwards. He turned back to Dudley, “Happy Birthday Harry!”
“I-I-I’m not Harry,” Dudley stuttered.
“I am,” Harry exposed himself, slightly pulling me out of our hiding spot as well.
“Well of course ye are! And little Rena! Happy Birthday ya two. Got summat fer yeh. Mighta sat on it at some point, but it’ll taste all right. Baked it meself,” he joyously said handing over a slightly squashed box. Harry opened it and there lay a pink cake with ‘Happy Birthday Harry and Rena!’ written in green icing.
“Who are you?” Harry looked up from the cake with question.
“He means thank you,” I added slightly glaring at my brother. Something about this giant seemed familiar. Whoever the friendly giant was, I felt I somehow knew him.
The giant just chuckled, “Haha I ‘aven’t introduced meself, ‘ave I? Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.” With his introduction, he took his umbrella and pointed it at the fire place, and just like that there was a fire crackling where he had aimed.
“How did you do that?!” I asked, eyes wide with wonder.
Before he could answer my question, Harry chimed in, “Sorry, but we still don’t really know who you are…”
“Ye can call me Hagrid,” he answered, “everyone does. An’ like I told yeh, I’m Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts – yeh’ll know all ‘bout Hogwarts, o’ course.”
“Uh – Sorry, no,” Harry and I said at the same time.
“Sorry? It’s them would should be sorry!” Hagrid said angrily, pointing to our aunt and uncle. “I knew yeh wasn’t gettin’ yer letters, but I never thought yeh wouldn’t even know abou’ Hogwarts! Did ya two never wonder where yer parents learned it all?”
“Learn what exactly?” I asked.
“LEARN WHAT?” Hagrid yelled flabbergasted. “Are yer tellin’ me,” he turned to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, “that James and Lily Potter’s kids – those kids! – don’t know nothin’ abou’ ANYTHING?”
“Hey we know some things,” Harry defended. “We can do math and stuff…”
“Yeh must know ‘bout yer mum and dad. They’re famous. Yer famous!” Hagrid exclaimed in frustration.
“Famous?” Harry and I questioned.
“Stop! Don’t you tell them. I forbid you tell them anything!” Uncle Vernon demanded, attempting to puff out his chest.
“You never told ‘em? Never told ‘em ‘bout the letter Dumbledore left for ‘em? I was there! I saw ‘im leave it, Dursley! All these years, and they don’ know?” Hagrid spoke with rage, but also what seemed to be heartbreak. Through that heartbreak, I seemed to remember who this friendly giant was.
“I know you who you are…” I commented, still trying to fully recall. “You brought us here… to them… on your bike.”
“Yeh remember dat? Little Rena ‘members me!” Hagrid let out a laugh.
“Stop this! We chose a long time ago they will have nothing to do with it!” Uncle Vernon shouted resembling more like a tomato by the second.
“To do with what?” Harry asked frustrated.
“Yer a wizard, Harry. And yer a witch, Rena. Thumpin’ good’uns I’d say! After a little training of course.” The giant has lost his mind. “With a mum an’ dad like yours, what else would yeh be? ‘Bout time you got yer letters, I reckon.”
We each were handed a letter from Hagrid. It was addressed in a familiar emerald green to Ms. R. Potter, The Floor, Hut-on-the-Rock, The Sea. I finally opened the yellow parchment with emerald green writing:

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Ms. Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

As questions exploded in my mind, Harry asked just one, “What does ‘await your owl’ mean?”
“Gallopin’ Gorgons, I almos’ fergot!” Hagrid pulled from his heavy overcoat, an owl—a real, live, ruffled-looking owl—along with a quill and some parchment.
As the owl flew off with a letter in hand, Uncle Vernon said, “They will not be going!”
“Oh and a great Muggle like yerself is gonna stop ‘em?” Hagrid laughed.
“A what?” I questioned.
“A Muggle,” said Hagrid, “it’s what we call non-magic folk like ‘em. An’ it’s yer bad luck ye grew up in a family o’ da biggest Muggles I e’er laid eyes on!”
“No. We promised we’d stomp that rubbish out of them!” Uncle Vernon yelled.
“You knew!?” Harry and I yelled.
“Knew!” shrieked Aunt Petunia for the first time tonight. “Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my sister being what she was? She got her letter and disappeared to that dratted school and came home turning teacups into rats with pockets full of frog spawn. Our parents were so proud. Lily this and Lily that. ‘We have a witch in the family!’ I was the only one to see her for what she was – a freak!”
She stopped to take a deep breath before ranting again. It seemed she had been holding this in for all these years.
“Then she met that Potter, got married, and had you two. I knew you’d be just as strange, just as abnormal. Then she just had to get herself blown up and we got landed with you two!”
Harry had gone very white, but anger pulsated through me and I yelled, “Blown up? You said they died in a car crash! How could you lie about their death?”
“CAR CRASH!” Hagrid exploded. “Kill Lily and James Potter? It’s an outrage! All o’ this! Harry and Rena Potter not even knowin’ their own story, when everybody in our world be knowin’ their names!”
“I will not pay for some crackpot fool to teach them magic tricks!” Uncle Vernon shook with anger.
“Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front o’ me!” Hagrid growled, and with that point his umbrella toward Dudley, who I know realized was eating Harry’s and my birthday cake. Sparks flew out of the tip and hit Dudley smack on his tail bone, where he sprouted a pig’s tail.
Finally, that pig with a wig was now able to take his true form! As my aunt and uncle began to fuss over Dudley, Hagrid turned to us.
“I’d appreciate ye not tell no one at Hogwarts ‘bout that. Strictly speaking, I’m not allowed to be doin’ magic,” he told us nervously. Harry and I just shook our heads, indicating our lips were sealed. “Great! Best be off now. Bit behind schedule.” Noticing our pause, he added, “Unless you two rather stay here, of course.”
Harry and I looked at each other.
“Hey Harry…”
“Yeah Ren?”
“We both got our wish…” With that all we could do was smile.


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